Maersk Supply Service Secures Work in Australia

Maersk Mariner (Photo: Maersk Supply Service)
Maersk Mariner (Photo: Maersk Supply Service)

Maersk Supply Service announced Wednesday it has lined up work for two anchor handling tug supply (AHTS) vessels in support of a drilling program offshore Australia.

Under a contract awarded by Chevron Australia, the vessels Maersk Mariner and Maersk Master will provide towing, anchor handling, supply, and remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) services for the Chevron-operated Gorgon Stage Two drilling program in the Northwest Shelf of Western Australia, starting in the second quarter of 2019.

Maersk Mariner and Maersk Master have been working in Western Australia since September 2017 and March 2018 respectively, where they will remain until the contract commences.

Both vessels will be operated by local crews and supported from Maersk Supply Service’s Perth shorebase.

Maersk Mariner and Maersk Master are the first two vessels of Maersk Supply Service’s Starfish newbuilding series. Following their delivery in 2017, three more vessels of the series have joined the fleet, with the final scheduled for delivery in early 2019.

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