Offshore helicopter players Era and Bristow, which recently announced plans to merge, have skipped a hurdle towards the completion of the merger.Era said Tuesday that the waiting period for the proposed merger under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Act ended on April 10…
Jack-up drilling contractor Borr Drilling has received early contract terminations for five offshore drilling rigs, and has warned that more terminations might be forthcoming. On the bright side, the company has been awarded letters of award for two premium jack-ups…
Swedish company Alfa Laval has said it has won two large orders in the offshore industry space from clients in China and Singapore.Under the orders, of a combined value of around SEK 170 million (USD 17 million), Alfa Laval will deliver Framo…
Norwegian seismic survey company Shearwater has lost two contracts in the Asia Pacific, joining the likes of Polarcus, SeaBird, EMGS which have all been hit by the recent low oil prices and COVID-19 pandemic situation.Shearwater said Tuesday…
Oslo-listed marine seismic company SeaBird Exploration is working to reduce costs further in the wake of uncertainty caused by low oil prices and COVID-19. The company said that in the worst-case scenario it would target to cut the spending to less than $400…
At least one worker at Mexican state oil company Pemex's Abkatun-A processing center, in shallow waters in the Gulf of Mexico, has been diagnosed with coronavirus, two people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.At the end of last week…
A Chinese ship embroiled in a standoff with Vietnamese vessels last year has returned to waters near Vietnam as the United States accused China of pushing its presence in the South China Sea while other claimants are pre-occupied with the coronavirus…
Offshore oil and gas drilling operations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico emit far more methane than government estimates suggest, according to a study released on Monday by the University of Michigan.Drilling platforms emit about half a teragram (Tg) of the planet-warming gas each year…
Shell's Malaysian subsidiary Sabah Shell Petroleum Company has been awarded more than $340 million in an arbitration related to the Gumusut Kakap floating production platform offshore Malaysia.Back in late 2012, Shell signed a contract for construction and lease of the Gumusut Kakap FPS with GKL…
Oilfield services provider Baker Hughes Co said on Monday it will take a $1.5 billion charge to its first-quarter earnings, write down the value of its oilfield business and slash this year's capital spending by 20%.Oil and gas producers have cut 2020 spending by about 30%…
Norway, Western Europe's largest oil producer, will announce its decision on whether to slash crude output soon, potentially adding its weight to a global push to shore up prices, the energy minister said on Monday.'The agreement among the OPEC+ producer nations is very positive…
Australian offshore oil and gas safety regulator NOPSEMA has approved oil company Santos' application for a 3D seismic marine survey in the Bedout Sub-basin in Commonwealth waters off the coast of Western Australia.At its closest point, the…
Singapore is preparing to house hundreds of foreign workers in accommodation vessels typically used for offshore and marine industry staff as it races to find alternatives to dormitories where the novel coronavirus has been spreading rapidly…
Oil prices rose on Monday after major producers finally agreed their biggest-ever output cut, but gains were capped amid concern that it won't be enough to head off oversupply with the coronavirus pandemic hammering demand.After four days of wrangling…
OPEC and allies led by Russia agreed on Sunday to a record cut in output to prop up oil prices amid the coronavirus pandemic in an unprecedented deal with fellow oil nations, including the United States, that could curb global oil supply by 20%…