Fugro will further reduce its workforce by an additional 600 jobs this year, as the company reported a 23% decline in revenue in Q1, and announced plans to stack and retire vessels. Image from Fugro…
Bell Geospace’s Houston team is being expanded in response to increased activity in their specialist services. As well as a number of in-house support staff, Richard Alan Morgan has joined the company as senior geoscientist. Morgan has…
Fugro has been awarded a supply arrangement by the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) to provide vessel based hydrographic survey services. Under the contract CHS will procure hydrographic surveys as needed, anywhere in Canada, to enhance…
CGG GeoSoftware has released VelPro, a velocity modeling and depth conversion software used to integrate seismic and well velocity information, horizons, faults and well tops into data-driven velocity models. VelPro models complement…
CGG GeoSoftware has released VelPro 9.5, a velocity modeling and depth conversion commercial software technology used by interpreters and velocity modeling experts to integrate seismic and well velocity information, horizons, faults, and well tops into velocity models…
Significant hydrocarbon potential has been outlined in the south Porcupine offshore Ireland, according to initial results of a collaboration project between operator Providence Resources and oilfield services firm Schlumberger. Two firms…
PGS, in partnership with TGS, will offer support for the two calls for bid in the Eastern Newfoundland and Jeanne d’Arc regions issued on 7 April 2016. The partnership offers for license MC2D GeoStreamer data, and the 4550sq km MC3D-NL02-EN Orphan Basin GeoStreamer survey…
The UK Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has invited seismic companies to tender for its 2016-2017 UK Government funded seismic acquisition and processing program. The contract will cover survey work over South West Britain, including the Celtic Sea…
PGS’s latest GeoStreamer survey is providing high resolution coverage of North Sea plays relevant for the seventh Danish Licensing Round. Initial data volumes will be available in May and August 2016. The Danish part of the North Sea…
MEO Australia is achieving positive results from the seismic reprocessing and inversion study currently underway over the Beehive prospect in WA- 488-P, off the north coast of Western Australia. MEO said that Beehive is a potential giant…
Norwegian geoscience firm Electromagnetic Geoservices (EMGS) has announced plans to cut its headcount by a further 15%, following a 20% reduction in workforce made last year. Actual staffing numbers were not given. EMGS said the changes…
Norwegian geoscience firms Petroleum Geo-Services (PGS) and Electromagnetic Geoservices (EMGS) have reached a settlement agreement over patent disputes. Instead of not allowing each other to use each other's technologies, the firms have…
Polarcus has received a letter of intent from an undisclosed client for a 3D marine seismic contract in Indonesia using the Polarcus' XArray (TM) technique for enhanced productivity and data quality. Cameron Astill, Senior Vice President Asia Pacific…
Eni has expanded the adoption of Halliburton Landmark’s DecisionSpace Geosciences across its exploration business units worldwide. Eni decided to expand the utilization of Landmark’s solution in order to improve efficiency through integration and cross-disciplinary collaboration…
In May 2016, PGS will commence acquisition of a 4400sq km 3D GeoStreamer survey over the Aasta Hansteen area of the Norwegian Sea, scheduled to be completed in August 2016. Fast track data will be available four months after the final shot…