Safer, faster, more efficient, more productive, more cost-effective and simpler interfaces top the technology wish lists of many in the offshore oil & gas sector over the next decade, as Jennifer Pallanich reveals in part two of this month's special survey…
With 22 active heave compensated (AHC) cranes ranging from 10t to 250t currently operational on its vessels and another 17 on order, French offshore service provider Bourbon Subsea Services considers itself something of an authority on AHC crane capabilities…
Reservoir complexity and an emphasis on asset integrity have encouraged developers to refine visualization technology for oil & gas applications. OE shares details of a handful of new products that have come across our desk in recent weeks.The…
TORXS saves a well Baker Hughes has introduced an expandable liner hanger system that the company says is the only system of its type that is installed and released prior to a cement job, eliminating the risk of running tools becoming fixed in place during cementing…
Class society Lloyd's Register is working with leading owners and operators from the oil & gas sector to improve current methods of monitoring the performance of blowout preventers. Two risk management specialists within the Lloyd's Register Group…
Offshore rig and vessel repair continues to produce attractive returns for yards that are well placed strategically and geographically. OE checks out the latest developments at two players – one in Bahrain, the other in Gibraltar – still relatively…
With 2011 drawing to a close, it's time for OE to look afresh at the world's emerging hot spots. One of those generating the most interest, if not the most dollars yet, is also the coldest: the Arctic. Jennifer Pallanich asks a cross-section…
High safety standards in oil & gas operations are better achieved when self-imposed, rather than through excessive government regulation, a leading Shell figure told delegates to this year's SPE ATCE in Denver. US editor Russell McCulley listened in…
The subsea gas compression system for Norway's Ormen Lange subsea compression pilot is about to start a six-month endurance test which will last until June 2012, Aker Solutions project director Øystein Haukvik revealed last month at the opening of his company's new engineering office in west London…
Despite a brief interruption post-Macondo, the rig newbuilding boom that started in 2005 is gathering momentum. Jennifer Pallanich talks to IHS about the latest trends in the drilling contractor market.One of the trends that Tom Kellock, Houston's head of consulting for IHS Petrodata…
Baker Hughes continues to invest heavily in R&D, having reorganized itself along ‘geo-market' lines over the last couple of years. During the recent SPE ATCE gathering in Denver, Russell McCulley caught up with the oilfield services giant's president of products & technology…
Born in Houston, raised in London, Gardiner Henderson is no stranger to travel. Which is just as well, since his latest job has him in almost perpetual motion criss-crossing the globe to build business and raise awareness of a company he sees…
Risk management processes are fundamental to making decisions that improve the well construction process. Halliburton’s Hamayun Raja, Aijaz Rizvi and John Walters review the way risk management can be used in offshore projects to improve safety and on-target performance…
Andrew McBarnet says it makes sense for the oil and gas E&P business to provide more independently researched evidence documenting best environmental practice in its operations. A recent fragment in the oil industry news cycle noted that electromagnetic…
Total's UK North Sea Islay tieback, a gas condensate field with challenging flow assurance issues for the management of hydrates, is being used as a pilot for what is being hailed as the world's first electrically trace heated pipe-in-pipe system…