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Products in action - OE May 2011

May 01, 2011

Subsea welding goes deeperA decade of research at the UK's Cranfield University has confirmed that subsea welding can be successfully conducted at depths of up to 940m, more than 600m deeper than previous records and far deeper than the 180m depth limit for divers…

Future focus

May 01, 2011

For Fluor, America is only one land of opportunity. Recent contract wins for work offshore Australia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East have buoyed Fluor's backlog. Jennifer Pallanich talks to Fluor executives about recent contract wins and Fluor's offshore strategy…

SURF's up

May 01, 2011

The season of joint industry projects has dawned, with a handful of announcements being made in the last month or so about subsea efforts. Two of those focus on SURF-type equipment while a third is focused on pipelines. OE highlights some of the newest areas gaining industry attention…

Independent and competent: is it time to raise the bar?

May 01, 2011

Competence testing, true independent oversight and a stronger focus on the human element are the lessons from Macondo, argues Lloyd's Register energy director Dr Iain Light. --The offshore industry has just had the dubious distinction of…

Avoiding the 'Swiss cheese' effect

Apr 02, 2011

Cheese may never be far from the thoughts of the French. But what concerns classification and verification group Bureau Veritas is the holes in cheese – and more precisely how to avoid them. OE hears from BV offshore projects manager Jose Esteve…

Products in action - OE April 2011

Apr 02, 2011

Integrated approachIn the works for some time, Halliburton's Optimized Drilling Performance (ODP) approach is aimed at improving drilling efficiency and saving drilling time. ‘We've evolved this workflow over a few years,' said Jeremy ‘Jez' Greenwood…

Rig market - April 2011

Apr 01, 2011

Worldwide, the mobile offshore drilling fleet has kept between 500 to 550 rigs under contract over the past two years. Recent overall utilization remains at a two-year low of 68% or 507 rigs working. However, tendering activity has been on the…

A 'bit of Irish luck' in Africa

Apr 01, 2011

Differing perspectives on the African exploration & production scene were offered during IP Week in London last month, with Tullow Oil and Afren describing their respective approaches to the continent and Equatorial Guinea's energy ministry updating the republic's offshore developments to date…

Subsea deployment departure

Apr 01, 2011

A new method of installing large subsea structures without the aid of a heavylift vessel is currently being introduced to the offshore engineering community by the Anglo-Faroese pairing of structural engineer David Paul and naval architect Arnbjørn Joensen…

New rock dump system twinned with survey ROV

Apr 01, 2011

Subsea equipment specialist Seatools is scheduled to deliver its latest offshore innovation – a remotely operated vehicle system that will combine the functions of a survey ROV with those of a fallpipe rock-dump ROV – this summer.The pioneering…

Motley crew

Apr 01, 2011

A shortage of experienced geoscientists and petroleum engineers will delay projects and could push operators to take more risks, according to a survey released 29 March 2011.The labor market for mid-career petrotechnical professionals ‘will be tight over the next three years…

Norpipe 37/4A a cut above

Apr 01, 2011

Decommissioning and abandonment specialist Cutting Underwater Technologies (Cut) assisted Heerema's Thialf with the removal of the Norpipe 37/4A booster platform's eightlegged steel jacket as part of Norway's Ekofisk cessation project. The 5500t platform stood in 85m of water…

Rig owners welcome DNV notation

Apr 01, 2011

DNV expects shortly to issue the first ISDS (Integrated Software Dependent Systems) class certificate to Dolphin Drilling. This new state-of-the art class notation has been under development since 2008 and the class society says it is already in demand…

Why the fracpack gets top billing

Apr 01, 2011

Once in a while I would like to look inward and discuss technical advances in the industry or how things have evolved. In the case of hydraulic fracturing, the process has emerged as the premier production enhancement technique in oil and gas…

Giant barge changing shape for the floatover challenge

Apr 01, 2011

The world's largest cargo barge – Heerema's H-851 – announced its arrival on the offshore scene in 1988 when installing the 44,785t jacket for Shell's Bullwinkle platform in a then daunting 412m of water in the Gulf of Mexico. Now, following…

Current News

Vard Cuts First Steel for Island Offshore’s Hybrid Construction Vessel

Tanzania to Launch Fifth Oil Licensing Round in May

MOL’s Green Hydrogen Production Vessel Makes First Onshore Delivery

UK: 17 Supply Chain Firms to Receive Tailored Offshore Wind Business Support

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