Marine Science News

Mounting Evidence Shows Seismic Surveys Can Harm Marine Life

Sep 12, 2023

Woodside Energy last week announced it would start seismic testing for its Scarborough gas project off Australia’s west coast, before reversing the decision in the face of a legal challenge from Traditional Owners.Seismic testing is highly controversial in marine environments…

Wind Turbines Can Breathe New Life into Warming Seas

Mar 15, 2022

Offshore wind is set to move further and further from shore, as demand for renewable energy grows and new floating turbine technology makes deep-water expansion possible. However, for the first time, large areas of the UK continental shelf now open for development are “seasonally stratified”…

Tidal Turbines Impact on Marine Wildlife Lower Than Previously Thought

Mar 05, 2020

Research by HR Wallingford at the SeaGen tidal power project site at Strangford Lough in Northern Ireland has shown that the impact of tidal power turbines on marine wildlife may be significantly lower than previously estimated.As questions…

Ørsted, US Unis to Study Whales in OWP

Jan 23, 2020

Danish developer Orsted U.S. Offshore Wind has signed a research partnership  with Rutgers University, the University of Rhode Island and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to support academic research activities related to offshore wind.The…

Gazprom Neft Completes Okhotsk Survey

Jan 06, 2020

Russian oil and gas exploration company Gazprom Neft has completed ecological monitoring of grey whale populations at the Ayashsky license block, offshore from Sakhalin Island, with expedition members registering more than 550 animals in the course of a five-month survey…

APEM Aerial Surveys at Vietnam’s 3.4GW OWP

Nov 07, 2019

APEM, the European aquatic and environmental consultancy specializing in freshwater and marine ecology and aerial surveys, has begun conducting its first ever aerial surveys at the Thang Long 3.4GW offshore wind project (OWP) in Vietnam.'APEM has won a contract with Enterprize Energy…

New Research on Gulf of Mexico Loop Current

Dec 19, 2018

More than $10 million in grant funding has been awarded for a group of new projects that aim to fill research gaps in order to help improve understanding and prediction of the Gulf of Mexico Loop Current System (LCS).As the Gulf of Mexico's dominant ocean circulation feature…

Ørsted Lauches Offshore Wind Biodiversity Policy

Dec 14, 2018

The largest energy company in Denmark, Ørsted A/S announced  ‘Offshore wind biodiversity policy’ to set out the principles that underpin our efforts to protect the natural environment in the areas where we develop, construct and operate offshore wind farms…

MacArtney Delivers TRIAXUS ROTV to China

Nov 15, 2018

MacArtney Singapore delivered a TRIAXUS ROTV with customized sensor payload to the Chinese Academy of Science for oceanographic research projects in the South China Sea.The Chinese Academy of Science, via MacArtney agent Geo Marine Technology Ltd…

Gazprom, OMV Sign a Memorandum on Strategic Cooperation

Oct 05, 2018

The Russian gas giant of Gazprom and the Austrian OMV company signed a Memorandum on Strategic Cooperation.The document, signed by Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Rainer Seele, Chairman of the Executive Board of OMV…

Real-time Sea State Data Made Available in the Cloud

Sep 26, 2018

Dry measurements of sea state has been made available through the cloud as a service, granting customers flexible access to real time data without having to cover the investment in data collection and transfer equipment.“Making sea state data…

NOCS: Expedition to Investigate Carbon in the Benguela Upwelling

May 23, 2018

On May 2018 the Royal Research Ship (RRS) Discovery will begin an ambitious science expedition to the South Atlantic to study the role of low oxygen zones in ocean carbon storage. The results of this investigation will help improve understanding…

Optime Presents New Tree Control and Intervention System

Mar 26, 2018

At Subsea Valley 2017, Jan-Fredrik Carlsen, CEO of the Notodden based Norwegian company Optime Subsea, promised to revolutionize the intervention and controls segment of the subsea oil and gas industry through a new and disruptive technology…

Threat from wandering greenhouse gas

Mar 17, 2018

On the seafloor of the shallow coastal regions north of Siberia, microorganisms produce methane when they break down plant remains. If this greenhouse gas finds its way into the water, it can also become trapped in the sea ice that forms in these coastal waters…

Current News

DOF Hooks FPSO Installation Job Off Africa

Brava Energia, Shell Agree Oil Sale from Atlanta Field

OKEA Takes Stake in Aker BP-Operated Tverrdal Prospect in North Sea

First Foundations for 1.6GW German Offshore Wind Project Reach Dutch Port

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