Natural Gas News

Energean Targets Net Zero Carbon Output by 2050

Dec 02, 2019

Mediterranean-focused oil and gas producer Energean has joined a U.N.-backed initiative and committed to reducing its net carbon emissions to zero by 2050, its chief executive said on Monday.Oil and gas producers have come under heavy pressure…

OMV Petrom Ready to Develop Black Sea Gas Field

Dec 02, 2019

Romania's OMV Petrom is ready to press on with a multibillion euro investment in the giant Black Sea gas project it holds with ExxonMobil once Bucharest's new government lifts regulatory barriers to doing so, it said on Monday.A final investment…

Subsea Tieback Research Hub Opens in WA

Nov 29, 2019

A new research and technology center backed by Chevron and Woodside has been launched at The University of Western Australia (UWA) to study long subsea tiebacks.The Center for Long Subsea Tiebacks laboratory located at UWA will focus on long…

Topside Floated for Dongfang Gas Field

Nov 28, 2019

ALE performed an 18,000t topside load-out and floatover transportation from a yard in Zhuhai, China. The topside will form part of a new offshore platform in the South China Sea to support natural gas development in the region.The Dongfang gas…

Mexico to Build Pipeline From Port of Tuxpan to Yucatan Peninsula

Nov 27, 2019

Mexico will soon launch a tender for the construction of a pipeline to bring natural gas from the eastern port of Tuxpan to the cities of Merida and Cancun in the Yucatan peninsula, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said on Wednesday.Speaking at a regular news conference…

Total Criticizes EIB's Decision Not to Finance Gas

Nov 21, 2019

Total criticized on Thursday the European Investment Bank's decision to stop financing all fossil fuel projects including gas, saying companies that might switch to gas-fired power plants from heavy-polluting coal could now reconsider.'I think…

Woodside Sees Reserve Base Tripling

Nov 19, 2019

Australia's Woodside Petroleum on Tuesday laid out plans to triple its gas and oil reserve base as it pursues projects worth over $36 billion in Australia, Senegal and Myanmar.Success in those projects would result in its reserve base reaching 3…

Norway Oil Output Beats Forecast, Gas Lags

Nov 19, 2019

Norway's oil production rose in October from the previous month, beating official forecast by 4.5%, while gas production continued to lag, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) said on Tuesday.Output from the giant Johan Sverdrup oilfield kicked in ahead of schedule last month…

Energean Seeks to Pipe Karish Gas to Cyprus

Nov 19, 2019

Energean Oil & Gas said on Tuesday its Energean International unit submitted an application to import and supply natural gas to Cyprus starting in 2021.In its application to Cypriot authorities, it said it sought to supply gas through a pipeline from the Karish block offshore Israel to Vassiliko…

Expro Wins Ichthys LNG Extension

Nov 18, 2019

Oilfield services company Expro reports it has secured a contract extension to supply well test and subsea services for INPEX-operated, Ichthys LNG.The contract will see Expro continue to supply a high rate 175 MMscf/day well testing package…

Partners Target Subsea Gas Seperation

Nov 15, 2019

Aker Solutions said it is working with a group of leading oil and gas operators in a joint industry project that aims to make subsea gas separation a reality.Using CO2 injection to increase recovery rates in offshore oil and gas fields can improve the economics of a field significantly…

Digital Technologies Driving Reserves Numbers Up

Nov 15, 2019

Operators have traditionally grown their resources and reserves through acquisition, exploration and producing more from an already-discovered field. Now, digital technologies are helping operators increase reserves.Wood Mackenzie research director…

Equinor Cleared to Cut Troll Gas Quota

Nov 11, 2019

Norway has approved energy firm Equinor's request to reduce the gas production quota at its Troll oil and gas field for the current year, the oil ministry confirmed on Monday.A ministry spokesman said the Troll gas output quota had been set at 36 billion cubic metres (bcm) for the gas year 2019…

Woodside to Build Interconnector Pipeline

Nov 11, 2019

Woodside Petroleum Ltd, Australia's top independent gas producer, said on Monday it would invest in a pipeline for the Pluto-North West Shelf (NWS) Interconnector, enabling the optimization of gas processing from its offshore fields.The Interconnector…

Leviathan on Track for December Startup

Nov 10, 2019

The mega Leviathan gas field offshore Israel is on track to begin production in December, ahead of schedule and below budget, operator Noble Energy said.The Leviathan project is 96% complete after production decks were installed on the jacket in the third quarter…

Current News

Petrobras and Staatsolie Strengthen Energy Collaboration

PRIO Buys Peregrino Oil Field Stake in $1.92B Deal with Sinochem

Mitsubishi Boosts Stake in Petronas’ Malaysia LNG Plant

India Opts Out of Buying Gas from Russia's Sanctioned Arctic LNG 2 Project

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