Swedes win major Danish wind farm bid

OE Staff
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sweden's Vattenfall has won the tender to build Danish Kriegers Flak, a 600 MW offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea.  

Kriegers Flak will be Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm. Vattenfall’s investment in Kriegers Flak will be EUR 1.1 – 1.3 billion, pending a final investment decision.

The winning bid was US$55.11/hr (EUR 49.9/hr), which is among the lowest costs in the world for offshore wind power, says Vattenfall.

Kriegers Flak is part of the Danish Parliament’s political agreement from 2012 to become a green and resource efficient economy entirely independent of fossil fuels by 2050. A part of that agreement is to build three major offshore wind farms, Horns Rev 3, Danish Near Shore and Kriegers Flak. Vattenfall has won the tenders for all three projects. 

Winning the bid for Kriegers Flak means that Vattenfall can start to develop a 132sq km area in the Baltic Sea. The area has three sub-areas dedicated for wind power development in Germany, Sweden and Denmark. Vattenfall’s winning bid today concerns the Danish part of the Kriegers Flak area. The Swedish part of Kriegers Flak has a building permit that expires in 2018. The German part has not yet been tendered.

“Vattenfall has won the three latest offshore wind tenders in Denmark; Horns Rev 3, Danish Near Shore and Kriegers Flak, equivalent to the energy consumption of 55% of the Danish households”, says Gunnar Groebler, Head of Vattenfall Wind.

Kriegers Flak will be monitored from Vattenfall’s Surveillance Centre in Esbjerg, Denmark. The Surveillance Centre already monitors more than 1000 turbines in Northern Europe.

Categories: Renewable Energy Europe Renewables

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