Rolls Royce awarded Cortland a contract to supply its BOB 12x12 fiber rope for use on Rolls Royce's next fiber rope deployment system (FRDS). The FRDS system, which will have a single fall capacity of 150t, is being built for AKOFS Offshore and will be deployed on the Aker Wayfarer working on a five-year contract for Petrobras.
This is the fourth FRDS that will be utilizing Cortland’s BOB 12x12 Fiber Rope since 2006. It will be the second system for AKOFS Offshore who has been using the system successfully since 2010 on the Skandi Santos, also for Petrobras.
Luiz Ranieri Bazzo, General Manager, AKOFS Offshore Ltda, stated, “We’ve been using Cortland’s fiber rope technology for the last five years. This was one element, among others, that contributed to being able to use a subsea equipment support vessel (SESV) to perform deep water installations rather than a traditional drilling ship."
Cortland’s BOB rope is a patented blend of high performance fibers, which feature high strength, low stretch and ultra-low creep to maximize durability in bending situations. These features translate into less downtime and cost efficiencies.