SeaRoc Supports Merkur Commissioning

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Marine Coordination Services BV will utilize SeaPlanner software during all operational marine coordination activities for commissioning of the 396MW Merkur Offshore Wind Farm.

The marine management system has been selected as part a strategic partnership between U.K. based SeaRoc Group and the Dutch offshore services company.

SeaPlanner was awarded the contract to support construction of the wind farm by Principal Contractor GeoSea NV in January 2017, providing integrated personnel and vessel tracking software, access control hardware and installation and setup of the marine coordination center based in Eemshaven in the Netherlands.

The wind farm is being developed by Merkur Offshore GmbH, a joint venture of Partners Group, InfraRed Capital Partners, DEME Concessions and Coriolis.

The project produced first power at the beginning of June, with full commissioning scheduled for 2019.

Categories: Technology Contracts Industry News Software Renewables

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