Rever Offshore Names MacLeod CEO

Monday, March 18, 2019

Subsea services provider Rever Offshore, formerly Bibby Offshore, said on Monday it has appointed Barry MacLeod as its new chief executive officer, replacing Mark Bessell, who stepped down from the role last month, for personal reasons.

MacLeod’s appointment builds on eight years’ experience as board director of the company. His roles within Rever have included operations director, asset management director and – latterly – managing director; a post he has held for the past five years.

MacLeod has extensive engineering and project management experience within the wider oil and gas industry, having delivered projects across the North Sea, Canada and West Africa with subsea contractors and consultancies.

Rever Offshore, formerly known as Bibby Offshore, completed a full rebrand in January of this year following the transition to new ownership.

Categories: People Offshore Energy Subsea Industry News

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