Vroon Wins Work from Total

Monday, April 1, 2019

Vroon Offshore Services has secured a contract with Total E&P to deliver offshore logistical support to a planned maintenance campaign in the Dutch sector of the Southern North Sea.

OPerations are already underway, and so far Vroon’s subsea support, walk-to-work vessel VOS Start has completed 34 gangway connections, transferring a total of 185 people.

Fitted with a 50-metric-ton active-heave-compensated crane and able to accommodate up to 60 people, VOS Start was designed to allow optimal people and cargo workflow between the main deck, accommodation areas and the offshore platform.

Craig Harvie, managing director for Vroon Offshore Services in Aberdeen, said, “VOS Start, and sister vessel VOS Stone, are purpose built to support offshore operations and walk-to-work projects in both the oil and gas and renewables sectors. These vessels have specialist gangways which allow people to walk to work safely and we are seeing demand rise, particularly on maintenance projects, not only in oil and gas but increasingly in offshore wind.”

On completion of this project, VOS Start will sail to the Irish Sea where she will undertake similar walk-to-work operations for an offshore renewables company.  

Categories: Contracts Industry News Activity Europe Renewables

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