Gjøa Platform Flights Set to Resume after Worker Tests Negative on Coronavirus

Bartolomej Tomic
Friday, March 6, 2020
Gjøa platform; Credit: Neptune Energy

The article originally titled "Neptune Stops Gjøa Platform Flights on Coronavirus Suspicion" has been updated to include a statement by Neptune Energy, and to reflect the fact that the Neptune employee has tested negative on Coronavirus.

Neptune Energy on Friday morning halted all helicopter traffic to and from the Gjøa platform in the North Sea, off Norway, on suspicions that a crewmember aboard had contracted coronavirus.

According to a report by NRK on Friday morning, a female offshore worker on the platform was quarantined after being in contact with a person onshore, who was later detected infected by the coronavirus.

The woman came to the platform on Wednesday.

"She was tested for coronavirus this morning but should have no symptoms, NRK said citing a statement by Neptune. "Otherwise, the activity on the platform is, reportedly, taking place as normal."

OEDigital reached out to Neptune Energy, seeking confirmation of the reports, and more info. Neptune responded Friday afternoon (CET), confirming its employee had been tested, and informing that the test on coronavirus turned out negative.

Flights to resume soon

A Neptune spokesperson said: "Neptune Energy can confirm an employee on our Gjøa installation on the Norwegian Continental Shelf has tested negative for Coronavirus and is well. This follows information that the employee had been in contact with an individual onshore who had later tested positive for the virus.

"The employee was isolated from other crew members and a test for the virus returned a negative result. Helicopter flights to and from Gjøa were temporarily suspended and are expected to resume this evening. Production on Gjøa continued as normal."

"In keeping with Norwegian authorities’ guidance, the employee will return onshore and continue to self-isolate for 14 days as a further precaution. The health and safety of our people and all those who work with us is our number one priority."

Norway: 86 positive

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health on Thursday reported that a further 30 people had tested positive for coronavirus, bringing to the total number in Norway to 86 people who have tested positive.

"They are in isolation at home and are being followed up by the local health services in their respective municipalities," the Norwegian Institute of Public Health said.

All of the cases can still be linked to outbreaks abroad, the majority of cases are linked to the outbreak in northern Italy, two are linked to Iran, one to Hong Kong and one to China, it said.

Categories: Energy Industry News Activity Europe Production Safety & Security

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