Oil company ConocoPhillips has obtained regulatory approval for remote operations of its Eldfisk 2/7 Bravo facility in the North Sea, offshore Norway.
The consent, granted by the Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, covers the conversion to a new mode of operation for the Eldfisk 2/7 Bravo facility and comprises.
During campaign periods, operating and maintenance personnel will live on Eldfisk 2/7 Bravo.
Outside of campaigns, the facility will normally be unmanned. During periods without permanent manning, the facility will be controlled from Eldfisk 2/7 S, otherwise, when manned, Eldfisk 2/7 Bravo will be controlled locally.
Eldfisk is an oil field in the southern part of the Norwegian sector in the North Sea, 10 kilometers south of the Ekofisk field. Eldfisk was discovered in 1970, and the plan for development and operation (PDO) was approved in 1975. Production began in 1979. ConocoPhillips is the operator.