TAP Taps NDT for Pipeline Survey

OE Staff
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

NDT Global has won a contract to complete a baseline inspection survey for Trans Adriatic Pipeline, a company operating the namesake European pipeline carrying gas from the Caspian Sea to the EU.

TAP is a European leg of a pipeline transporting gas from the Azeri section of the Caspian Sea, and crossing Greece, Albania, the Adriatic Sea, and Italy, which started commercial operations in November 2020.

TAP,  part of the Southern Gas Corridor, will transport 10 billion cubic meters (bcm/a) of new gas supplies from Azerbaijan to markets in Europe.

NDT, which announced its baseline survey contract on Wednesday, said that the 878 km large-diameter gas pipeline system possessed many challenging characteristics, including mountainous terrain, high elevation profile, high wall thickness and a complex subsea depth profile. 

"NDT Global's ART Scan technology manages all these challenges, while seamlessly combining wall thickness, geometry, and mapping survey capabilities into a single inspection," the company said.

Willem Vos, Head of Product Management comments, "NDT Global are excited to begin this baseline inspection program with Trans Adriatic Pipeline. This award further illustrates that gas pipeline operators recognize the advantage of high accuracy UT inspections and further solidifies the future of Acoustic Resonance technology in the global gas pipeline market."

NDT did not provide the financial details about the contract. Offshore Engineer has reached out to NDT seeking more info on the project scope. We'll update the article with any response we may receive.

Categories: Offshore Energy Pipelines Inspection & Repair & Maintenance Pipe Inspection

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