LOC to Provide Marine Warranty Services for Petrobel's Offshore Activities

Thursday, April 8, 2021
Zohr field - Credit: Eni

Egyptian oil and gas company Petrobel, a joint venture between EGPC and Eni, has awarded a two-year contract to marine engineering consultancy LOC for the provision of marine warranty services to support Petrobel’s offshore assets.

LOC, part of AqualisBraemar LOC Groupwill act as marine warranty surveyor on Petrobel’s upcoming marine projects over the next two years.

The support will include Petrobel’s marine activities in the Gulf of Suez and in the Mediterranean Sea, including on the Zohr gas fieldthe largest ever gas discovery in the Mediterranean Sea.

LOC did not provide details on the value of the contract.

Categories: Energy Industry News Activity Africa Mediterranean Sea

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