CorPower Ocean Debuts "Commercial Scale" Wave Energy

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

CorPower Ocean unveiled the CorPower C4, its first commercial scale Wave Energy Converter (WEC) and CorPack clusters, which the company contends will provide the building blocks for utility scale wave farms.

Ultimately, the new CorPower C4 device will form part of a four-system wave array, off the coast of Aguçadoura, Portugal, creating a grid-connected wave farms.

“This has been a decade-long development, with significant strides in the last few years to industrialise and optimize our wave energy technology," said Patrik Möller, Co-founder & CEO. "Following today’s launch, we aim to propel wave energy into the future green energy mix as a bankable technology through the HiWave-5 Project.”

The CorPower C4, with 300kW power rating, represents the world’s most compact wave energy system in relation to power output. With a strong and lightweight structure, it can be produced rapidly in large volumes. The technology is designed and delivered as CorPack clusters of 10-20MW rating, forming the building blocks of future large-scale wave farms.

CorPower Ocean is currently working with project developer Simply Blue Group to deliver ‘Project Saoirse’, a pre-commercial wave farm off Ireland’s west coast.

Categories: Energy Offshore Energy Renewable Energy Wave Energy

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