Renewable energy firm Ocean Winds has partnered up with the Irish company Bord na Móna to jointly identify, co-own, and develop offshore wind energy opportunities around the coast of Ireland.
The joint venture initially incorporates two potential projects, Réalt na Mara, off the coast of Dublin and Wicklow, and Celtic Horizon, off the coast of Wexford and Waterford.
Engagement on both projects with local communities, stakeholders and the fishing industry is currently underway.
The projects have the potential to generate up to 2.3 GW Gigawatts (GW) ofelectricity to power up to 2.1 million homes by 2030.
This offshore wind joint venture will said it would support Ireland in achieving its target of 7 GW of installed offshore wind capacity by 2030. WindEurope says that the Irish government has approved the final terms for the country's first auction for offshore wind power.
The auction round will open next month, and winners will be announced by June 2023.