Neptune Energy Brings Online 10th Well at Cygnus Offshore Field

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Prospector 1 - Credit: Neptune Energy

Oil and gas company Neptune Energy and its partner, Spirit Energy, said Wednesday that production had started from the tenth well at the Cygnus gas field in the southern North Sea, offshore the UK.

Neptune said that the start-up of the well unlocked additional supplies for UK homes and businesses.

"With the start-up of production from the 10th well, the Neptune-operated Cygnus gas facility is now capable of producing enough natural gas to meet the needs of approximately 2 million UK households, underlining the important contribution of Cygnus to UK energy security," Neptune Energy said.

According to Neptune Energy, Cygnus also has one of the lowest carbon intensities on the UKCS, at ~4kg of CO2/boe1.

Neptune Energy’s UK Country Director, Alan Muirhead, said: “Domestic production has a crucial role to play in supporting energy security in this country, and Neptune has increased gas supplies to the UK from our operated assets in the UK and Norwegian North Seas.”

The drilling operation was carried out using Borr Drilling’s Prospector 1 jack-up rig, the first in Borr’s fleet to be equipped with technologies that reduce carbon and nitrogen emissions from operations by up to 95%, and particle matter emissions by more than 85%.

Neptune has now starte drilling on the eleventh well on the Cygnus field, which is expected to begin production in Q2 this year.

Cygnus partners are Neptune Energy (operator and 38.75%), Spirit Energy (61.25%)

Categories: Energy Drilling North Sea Industry News Activity Europe Production UKCS

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