Trinity E&P Restores Oil Output from Trintes Field after Platform Fire

Thursday, April 20, 2023
©Trinity Exploration & Production

Trinidad & Tobago-focused oil company Trinity Exploration & Production has restarted production from the Bravo offshore platform, in the Trintes Field, offshore east coast Trinidad, following a halt caused by a fire incident earlier this month.

The incident happened on Monday, April 10, when a generator-related fire occurred on the Bravo Platform.

Production from the Bravo platform was halted, and the fire was extinguished, with the platform subsequently evacuated. Trinity then, as a precaution, halted production from the other Trintes platforms, Delta and Alpha. Read More.

In a statement on Thursday, Trinity said: "Following approval from the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, received on Monday evening 17 April, the Company successfully restored oil production from all previously producing wells on the Bravo platform during Tuesday, April 18.

The Alpha and Delta platforms restarted oil production from all previously producing wells on Tuesday, April 11, 2023.

Before the incident, oil production from the Bravo platform accounted for approximately 350 bopd. Total Trintes field production is approximately 1,010 bopd.

Categories: Industry News Caribbean Activity Production

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