Petro Services, Ocean Installer Win Umbilical Repair Project Work Offshore Angola

Monday, November 13, 2023
Credit: Ocean Installer

Petro Services and its main subcontractor, Ocean Installer today announced they have been awarded a contract from TotalEnergies EP Angola and it’s Block 17 partners, to execute an umbilical recovery and reinstallation scope on the Pazflor FPSO. 

This is Ocean Installer’s second participation on TotalEnergies EP Angola projects this year, while Petro Services has other ongoing long-term contracts with TotalEnergies in Angola.

Petro Services will be in charge of the project management activities for the project and execute in-country support operations.

As a part of this fast-track umbilical repair project, to be executed later this year, Ocean Installer’s in-house expertise within project management and engineering will come into play. As the main subcontractor they will be responsible for the recovery and re-installation of the production critical umbilical, with any necessary topside operations.

"This is our second participation on TotalEnergies EP Angola projects this year. Now we look forward to work closely with Petro Services for a safe and successful execution. The fact that TotalEnergies again places production critical operations with us, represents the trust our clients have in our abilities, says Ocean Installer CEO Kevin Murphy.
"This is our first award with Ocean Installer as our main selected Subcontractor which we embrace. We are confident that the different skill sets of both Ocean Installer and Petro Services will complement one another ensuring we deliver a successful execution of project for TotalEnergies EP Angola, said Alexander Haly, CEO Petro Services

Categories: Deepwater Subsea Africa

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