Danos Gets Shell’s Planning and Scheduling Call

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Oilfield services provider Danos has signed a new planning and scheduling contract with Shell Exploration and Production Company, a subsidiary of Shell.

The agreement entrusts Danos to deploy a team of highly skilled personnel to support Shell’s upstream operations.

With the contract, Danos team members will bring a wealth of technical expertise to oversee the scheduling of offshore projects and logistics for the energy giant’s construction, coatings and maintenance activities.

Operating at predominately onshore locations, the team will leverage its expertise to ensure skillful coordination and execution of activities.

“The contract will allow us to live our purpose of developing great people to solve big challenges for our customers. At the same time, we’re proud to build on our 53-year relationship with Shell,” said Paul Danos, CEO of Danos.

In preparation for the successful execution of this contract and the growing service offering, Danos hired Donald Noland as its planning and scheduling operations manager. Noland brings 20 years of industry experience, with 15 years dedicated to planning and scheduling.

He will play a pivotal role in overseeing the execution of the Shell contract along with similar work for other customers.

Categories: People Industry News Activity North America Oil and Gas

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