DeepOcean Gets ExxonMobil’s Guyana Task

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Ocean services provider DeepOcean has been awarded a contract by ExxonMobil Guyana for the provision of subsea construction and inspection, maintenance, and repair (IMR) services offshore Guyana in South America.

Under the contract, DeepOcean will plan and execute a wide range of subsea activities, including subsea construction and jumper installations as well as subsea IMR work, at ExxonMobil Guyana’s operations at the Stabroek Block, located approximately 120 miles offshore Guyana.

DeepOcean will deploy the Siem Day multi-purpose support vessel (MPSV) to conduct subsea operations.

The Siem Day is equipped with a 250te crane and cutting-edge technology and features, enabling efficient and safe operations even in the harshest offshore environments.

The vessel boasts a large deck space, advanced dynamic positioning systems, and dual ROV spreads, ensuring superior performance and maximum productivity.

“We are highly committed to delivering high-quality subsea services and solutions, and we look forward to working closely with ExxonMobil Guyana to support their operations in the various field developments in the Stabroek Block,” said Tony Stokes, president of DeepOcean’s American operation.

The Stabroek Block is one of the world's most promising oil and gas discoveries, with estimated recoverable resources exceeding eight billion oil-equivalent barrels to date.

Categories: Offshore Energy Subsea Industry News Activity South America Oil and Gas

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