Perenco Spuds Appraisal Well Offshore Gabon

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Perenco Oil & Gas Gabon (POGG) has started drilling an appraisal well in the vicinity of the Hylia South West discovery offshore Gabon, using Dixstone’s BANBA jack-up rig.

The field was discovered in December 2022 through the exploration well HYSM-1 when a 40 meter net oil-bearing column was proved in the Ntchengue Ocean (NTO) reservoir, as well as a further column in the Madiela reservoir.

The appraisal well is targeting the NTO reservoir and the lower, highly promising, Madiela carbonate reservoir, the company said.

The well is being drilled by Dixstone’s BANBA jack-up rig and is expected to last 30 days.

The Hylia South West field is now producing 6,000 barrels of oil per day from the HYSM-01 well, a material increase since the start of production in October 2023, less than one year after the discovery.

“The appraisal drilling is important in determining the full potential of this area after the recent exploration success at Hylia South West. It is designed to further inform our understanding of both the NTO and Madiela resevoirs, and to narrow our estimate of oil resources in place, presently estimated at between 20 and 100+ million barrels,” said Adrien Broche, General Manager of POGG, said:

Categories: Drilling Industry News Activity Production Africa Oil and Gas

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