Noble Viking Drillship Secures $80M Drilling Campaign with Prime Energy

Friday, March 15, 2024
Noble Viking drillship (Credit: Noble Corporation)

Offshore drilling firm Noble Corporation has secured a new contract with Prime Energy for its drillship Noble Viking, which will be employed on a three well drilling campaign on Malampaya-Camago field, offshore Philippines.

The contract also includes an additional one-well option, Noble Corporation said.

The firm three-well contract will span a minimum of 140 days, and the one option well estimated minimum 20 days.

The contract value of the firm duration is approximately $70 million, and $11 million for the option period, excluding additional fees for MPD services, mobilization, and demobilization fees.

This contract will commence in direct continuation of Noble Viking’s current contract in Malaysia, estimated in the second quarter of 2025.

"Noble is pleased to join together with Prime Energy in this important drilling campaign which will ultimately contribute to improved energy security for the Philippines," said Blake Denton, SVP of Marketing and Contracts.

Built by SHI in Korea in 2013, Noble Viking drillship can operate at water depths of 12,000 ft and is capable of drilling campaigns of up to 40,000.  

Prime Energy Resources Development B.V. is a natural gas exploration and development company that operates the Malampaya Deep Water Gas-to-Power Project, one of the largest and most significant industrial endeavors in Philippine history.

Categories: Drilling Industry News Activity Asia Drillship Oil and Gas

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