Zanzibar Launches Its First Oil and Gas Licensing Round

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Zanzibar has launched its first licensing round, inviting bids for eight blocks offshore the insular semi-autonomous region of Tanzania.

The Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries has on March 20, 2024, invited bids for the blocks spanning 31,883 km² offshore to the east of the Unguja and Pemba Islands.

The blocks, situated within water depths between 500 and 3,000 meters, represent a large frontier area and form part of a five-year exploration road map.

The blocks that will be offered under the licensing round include Block 1-A, Block 1-B, Block 1-C, Block 1-D, Block 1-E, Block 1-F, Block 1-G, and Block 1-H. 

The Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries has defined the bid round areas through prospectivity assessment with encouraging results with exclusive data supplier, SLB. A total of 10,145 linear kilometers of 2D seismic data is available pertaining to the blocks.

“On behalf of the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, I am delighted to welcome investors to take advantage of the enormous opportunities available in our country,” said Hussein Ali Mwinyi, the President of Zanzibar and the Chairman of Revolutionary Council.

Zanzibar aims to build a resilient economy for the benefit of its people through the sustainable development of its offshore petroleum resources. The political will to drive investment is coupled with renewed fiscal terms to enhance the investor environment in the oil and gas sector, including the constitutional protection of private investments. 

 “I would like to assure the exploration and production companies and investors that our doors are open.

“We are looking forward to your engagement with the Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries and our regulator, Zanzibar Petroleum Regulatory Authority,” said Shaaban Ali Othman, Minister for Blue Economy and Fisheries.

“In order to ensure its statutory roles are undertaken in a safe, healthy and adherence to good environmental practices and in the end deliver maximum benefits to the Zanzibaris, Zanzibar Petroleum Regulatory Authority (ZPRA) continues committed to ensure a conducive environment for investors,” added Adam Abdulla Makame, ZPRA’s Managing Director.

Categories: Industry News Activity Africa Oil and Gas

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