Transocean’s Deepwater Asgard on Extended Stay in US Gulf of Mexico

Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Deepwater Asgard (Credit: Transocean)

Offshore drilling contractor Transocean has secured another contract extension for its Deepwater Asgard drillship with Hess Corporation for work in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.

The $188 million contract extension is for one full year, Transocean said, and is expected to begin in direct continuation of the rig’s current program.

Deepwater Asgard, built in 2014, is an ultra-deepwater drillship of DSME 12000 design. With a maximum drilling depth of 40,000 ft, the rig is able to operate in water depths of up to 12,000 ft, and can accommodate 200 people.

In April 2024, Transocean secured contract extension with Hess Corporation for the same drillship, valued at $195 million.

Categories: Industry News Activity North America Gulf of Mexico Drillships Oil and Gas

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