Petrobras Finds Hydrocarbons in Aram Block Off Brazil

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
(Credit: Petrobras)

Brazilian state-run oil and gas company Petrobras has identified presence of hydrocarbons in the Santos Basin pre-salt, in an exploratory well of Aram block, offshore Brazil.

The well, 4-BRSA-1395-SPS, is located 245 km from the city of Santos-SP, at a water depth of 1,759 meters.

The well is currently being drilled, and the hydrocarbon-bearing interval has been detected by means of wireline loggings, gas shows and fluid sampling, which will later be characterized by laboratory analysis, according to Petrobras.

This data will make it possible to assess the potential and direct the next exploratory activities in the area.

“Aram block is an important asset for exploring the pre-salt potential, particularly in the Santos Basin,” Petrobras said.

Aram block was acquired in March 2020, in the sixth bidding round of the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP), under the Production Sharing regime, with Pré-Sal Petróleo (PPSA) as the manager. Petrobras is the operator of the block and holds an 80% working interest, in consortium with CNPC (20%).

The consortium will continue the operations to fulfill the well’s drilling project up to the planned final depth and characterize the conditions of the reservoirs found.

Categories: Drilling Industry News Activity South America Oil and Gas

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