A project to address the twin challenge of covering large areas of seabed at high resolution, while also processing the gathered data within expedition time-scales, has been delivering promising results. BioCam project participants Geraint West…
Norwegian ocean bottom node seismic company Axxis Geo Solutions (AGS) has achieved several seismic production records during an Utsira multi-client ocean-bottom node (OBN) seismic program.“The production records set last week, demonstrates…
The geophysical services provider SAExploration Holdings successfully completed the largest shallow water ocean-bottom marine project in its history.Contracted to SAExploration by a major national oil company, the project, located in the Arabian Sea off the coast of India…
OceanBased Perpetual Energy has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Florida Atlantic University’s Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center (SNMREC) to assist the company to develop commercial ocean current energy project…