People & Company News

Providence to Operate Avalon as Total Exits

Nov 28, 2019

As Total E&P Ireland, a subsidiary of the French multinational oil giant, has withdrawn, Providence Resources has taken over operatorship of the Frontier Exploration Licence (FEL) 2/19, which contains the Avalon prospect, located offshore Ireland…

Bluefield Expands in Americas

Nov 27, 2019

UK-based subsea geotechnical specialist Bluefield Geoservices has said that it is expanded into the Americas to meet growing demand in the sector.The subsea geotechnical services provider will initially open two offices in the US, one in the…

Orsted Raises $660m Green Finance

Nov 27, 2019

Denmark-based energy giant successfully issued green hybrid capital securities for €600m ($660m) to refinance existing securities issued in 2015.The latest issue will have a maturity in 3019 and first call option after eight years, the Danish energy company said…

Peterson, Itaoca Join Brazil Offshore Project

Nov 27, 2019

Itaoca Terminal Marítimo SA (Itaoca Offshore) and logistics provider Peterson Offshore Group have formed a partnership and consulting agreement for development of the Itaoca Offshore project.The Itaoca Offshore project will be a private terminal (TUP)…

Prosafe Appeals Over Floatel Merger Rejection

Nov 26, 2019

Norwegian accommodation services player Prosafe has filed an appeal against the Norwegian Competition Authority (NCA)’s rejection of its proposed merger with Swedish rival Floatel International.The merger would create the world's largest fleet of accommodation rigs - a North Sea giant…

Boskalis Completes Horizon Acquisition

Nov 26, 2019

Dutch dredging and heavylift company Royal Boskalis Westminster has acquired the remaining 37.5% in the United Arab Emirates’s Horizon Group, a company specializing in the provision of marine geophysical surveys and geotechnical services.Earlier this year…

Equinor, ESB Target Irish Offshore

Nov 24, 2019

Ireland-based energy company Electricity Supply Board (ESB) and Norwegian energy company Equinor plan to jointly develop offshore wind sites and enter them into the country's renewable energy auctions from the mid-2020s.The partnership will…

InfraStrata Joins Forces with Navantia

Nov 21, 2019

InfraStrata, the parent company of Belfast shipyard Harland and Wolff, has entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Spanish shipbuilding company Navantia SA.Under the MoU, the companies plan to cooperate on offshore wind projects…

BW Offshore Completes Bond Issue

Nov 18, 2019

BW Offshore, a provider of floating production services to the oil and gas industry, has successfully completed a NOK 900 million senior unsecured bond issue with a coupon of three months NIBOR + 4.50% and maturity in December 2023.The Oslo…

Northland, Shizen Join Forces for Japanese OWP

Nov 18, 2019

Canadian energy company Northland Power and the Japanese provides renewable energy project development services Shizen Energy have agreed to set up a joint venture to develop offshore wind projects in Japan.Under the terms of the agreement,…

Chrysaor Buys Stakes in OKEA’s 2 Licenses

Nov 13, 2019

North Sea oil producer Chrysaor Norge has exercised an option to buy stakes in OKEA’s Grevling and Storskrymten discoveries offshore Norway.The Norwegean oil production company OKEA confirmed the sale of 20% of the Company's participating interest in Grevling (PL 038D) and 18…

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind Appoints Co-CEO

Nov 11, 2019

The Board of Directors of MHI Vestas Offshore Wind has appointed Johnny Thomsen as the new Co-CEO following the resignation of Lars Bondo Krogsgaard.Thomsen is the former Vestas Senior Vice President of Product Management, said a press note from the Dutch offshore wind power solutions provider…

PGNiG Ups Stake in Duva Field, Norway

Nov 07, 2019

PGNiG Upstream Norway bought 10 percent shares in the PL636 and PL636B licenses in the North Sea from Pandion Energy, thus increasing its ownership in the Duva field to 30 percent.Duva oil and gas field (formerly Cara) is located in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea at a water depth of 360m…

Ørsted Expands Rapidly in US

Nov 07, 2019

Denmark-based Ørsted A/S, offshore wind giant, is expanding rapidly in the US within the development and construction of offshore and onshore wind power as well as solar PV.The growing portfolio enables Ørsted to increasingly trade the green power generated by the wind and solar farms…

ORE Catapult Mulls Humber Expansion

Nov 05, 2019

UK's technology innovation and research center  Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult has announced ambitious expansion plans in the Humber, including a commitment to open a base of operations in Grimsby and create 50 to 70 jobs in the region in the next 10 years…

Current News

Full Ramp Up of Tyra II Gas Development Hits Another Delay

Equinor Gets Power Contract Offer for South Korea’s Floating Wind Farm

Brava Energia to Sell Potiguar Basin’s Gas Infrastructure to PetroReconcavo

KENC to Outfit Jack-Up Vessel Bound for Work at UK Offshore Wind Farm

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