Offshore Europe News - page 735

OE13: Skills - the Apache view

Sep 06, 2013

Jim House, chairman of today’s (Friday) SPE Offshore Europe keynote session Oil & Gas Skills – Your Future Today, and region VP and MD Apache North Sea, gave us his views on the industry’s skills challenge. Q. What is the biggest skills challenge facing the industry…

OE13: Safety first / Step up and be counted

Sep 05, 2013

Ken Robertson, production services manager for Shell UK, stressed the importance of participation among UK workers in order to improve safety conditions, during the Step Change in Safety breakfast briefing yesterday morning. Robertson…

OE13: Statoil mulling Statfjord A life extension

Sep 05, 2013

Norway’s Statoil is considering extending the life of its giant Statfjord A facility in the North Sea, with a decision expected by year end, SPE Offshore Europe’s keynote session Decommissioning and value extraction for end of life heard yesterday…

OE13: Regulations after Macondo

Sep 05, 2013

The 2010 Macondo blowout and oil spill continues to haunt the industry, and inspire new regulatory rules not only in the US, but across Europe. Explaining why he opened yesterday’s Industry Progress Post Macondo presentation with fiery photos of the Deepwater Horizon rig…

OE13: Walk-to-work boosts campaign

Sep 05, 2013

A scheme developed by Chevron to increase the amount of people working on its Captain field for asset integrity campaigns helped increase bed space and ease logistical issues during the recent helicopter crisis, a session heard yesterday…

OE13: GE to power Gina Krog

Sep 05, 2013

Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) has awarded GE Oil & Gas a contract to provide turbomachinery equipment and services for the Gina Krog platform in the Norwegian North Sea. The Gina Krog development (previously known as Dagny) will be about 250 km southwest of Stavanger…

OE13: Rig consortia for UK?

Sep 05, 2013

“Establishing a successful rig consortium is a roller-coaster process”, Geir Kristian Pedersen, managing director of Rig Management Norway (RMG), said at the keynote session Planning for Long Term Drilling yesterday. Key factors in building a consortia are being co-operative…

OE13: Solar powered UK?

Sep 05, 2013

In the short term there will be a dash for gas, but longer term the key to global energy supplies could be solar, yesterday’s SPE Offshore Europe breakfast briefing heard. Professor John Miles, Arup/Royal Academy of Engineering research professor in transitional energy strategies…

Craig Group builds six new vessels

Sep 05, 2013

Craig Group announced the investment of £70million to build six new vessels at the Balenciaga Shipyard in northern Spain. Four D-class IMT 950 Emergency Response and Rescue Vessels (ERRV) and two F-class IMT 958 ERRVs will be delivered during 2014 and early 2016…

OE13: Energy demand to continue - BP

Sep 05, 2013

More people, more wealth, more energy demand—that has been the story of the world’s civilization over the past 250 years, and it is expected to continue. That is one of the messages from BP chief economist Christof Ruehl, who will lead…

Skills shortage threatens North Sea growth

Sep 04, 2013

C-MAR Group has highlighted the UK’s escalating skills gap as the most critical issue facing the UK industry today. Speaking as the industry gathered for the Offshore Europe Conference in Aberdeen today, Chief Operating Officer Peter Aylott…

CGG offers North Sea PSDM data

Sep 04, 2013

CGG announced that it has started the re-imaging of its entire Cornerstone multi-client dataset to create a 35,000sq km contiguous broadband PSDM volume, covering the Central North Sea. The existing conventional north-south, long-offset data…

OE13: Yet to find - 17 billion boe of European reserves

Sep 04, 2013

Wood Mackenzie presented its view of the role of independent oil and gas companies globally in the keynote session: “The independent oil company – mighty oaks from little acorns grow.” This peer group has been at the forefront of conventional exploration…

OE13: Looking forward to the next 50 years

Sep 04, 2013

At the outset of the plenary session Tuesday morning, conference chair Malcolm Webb led the room in a moment of silent reflection for the victims, survivors, families, and rescue personnel involved in the helicopter crash off Shetland last week…

OE13: Petro League launches

Sep 04, 2013

About 40 oil and gas students from across Europe are taking part in the final of the inaugural SPE Europe Petro League today. Through case study analysis and fast-paced oil and gas question and answer rounds, students will have the chance…

Current News

New England States Move Forward with Three Giant Offshore Wind Farms

Subsea7 Reveals it is Supporting Shell's Vito Waterflood Project

Norway Attracts 21 Bidders in Latest Oil and Gas Exploration Round

EU Grants Over $20M for Pilot Wave Energy Farm Offshore Portugal

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