This week commemorates the fifth anniversary of one of the worst oil spills in US history. On 20 April 2010, 11 lives were lost when BP’s Macondo well blew out, spilling millions of barrels of oil, igniting not just a fire, but change within the oil and gas industry…
The global oil and gas industry, and US companies in particular, will require four key changes to expedite recovery from the current slowdown in activity, said Ryan Lance, chairman and chief executive of ConocoPhillips. Ryan made his comments…
The UK government is giving Dea UK and partner LetterOne three to six months for a further change of control for UK North Sea petroleum licenses or they will be revoked. RWE Breagh installation…
A DNV GL-led subsea production systems (SPS) joint industry project (JIP) involving 20 industry players has made a major step forward in addressing this global industry with the first issue of a recommended practice (RP). “The JIP group…
The Gulf of Mexico remains resilient five years after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizoncaused the second largest oil disaster in world history. Scientists at the Harte Research Institute (HRI) for Gulf of Mexico Studies at Texas A&M…
The National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA) board of directors has elected Cindy B. Taylor as chair and Kevin McEvoy as vice chairman for the upcoming 2015-2016 term. Taylor and McEvoy assumed their positions at the NOIA annual meeting today in Washington…
The GSF Explorer drillship is next on the chopping block as Transocean decides to scrap its 19th rig, causing an estimated US$120 million hit to the company. The Transocean Sedco Express was awarded a 45-day contract…
Louisiana-based LLOG Exploration Co. began production from the Delta House floating production system (FPS) in the Gulf of Mexico. Delta House. From LLOG. Delta House is located in Mississippi Canyon 254…
In April, Transocean’s Deepwater Asgard drillship arrived in the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM) to work under a two-year contract for Chevron. The ship is a Daewoo Shipbuilding DSME 12000 design with dynamic positioning capabilities and can drill up to 35…
Houston-based Eco-Engineering Solutions selected to use Paradigm’s Sysdrill software for well planning and drilling engineering. Image of well path positional uncertainty displayed in Sysdrill 3D viewer…
While the latest revisions to the terms for shallow water areas in Mexico’s first licensing round have increased the attractiveness of the production sharing agreement terms by improving the contractor’s upside potential, the benefits remain…
The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) published its Annual Energy Outlook 2015 report, authored by Adam Sieminski, today. A key finding of the report is that US net energy imports, including all fuels, are expected to decline and…
Analyses foresee 2015 as being the toughest year for drilling companies since 2009. On the back of falling oil prices, contractors are facing increased pressure as operators shift risks and liabilities, often in contradiction with entrenched industry-accepted allocations…
Cortland Company is opening a new synthetic fiber testing and fabrication facility in Sugar Land, Texas. Cortland's Houston area testing facility. From Cortland. Services from…
The US Department of the Interior (DOI) is reviewing Shell's Arctic drilling plans, according to a recent Reuters report. On 31 March, DOI issued a record of decision affirming Shell’s Arctic leases from the Chukchi Sea OCS oil and gas lease sale 193 from 2008…