Offshore North America News - page 329

Ice sculptures

Jul 09, 2010

Among the greatest uncertainties in future energy supply is the amount of oil and gas yet to be found in the Arctic: the US Geological Survey estimates the region to hold as much as one-fifth of the world's untapped reserves of hydrocarbons…

Vision for a billion

Jul 09, 2010

KBR, long a dominant player in regions like the North Sea, has cast its offshore gaze around the world, looking to expand its geographical presence, its offerings and the way in which it delivers on its projects. Jennifer Pallanich hears about the company's oil & gas growth strategy…

Deepwater drilling moratorium delivers a potentially lethal punch

Jul 09, 2010

The six-month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon disaster has forced oil & gas companies to redraw their plans for the rest of the year. But the effects of the ban could linger long after, as Russell McCulley reports…

Rig market - July 2010

Jul 09, 2010

OE's analysis of current rig market data is updated monthly using statistics provided by Rigzone.comWorldwide utilization for the mobile offshore drilling fleet is tracking at about 74%, within the tight 74%-76% band it has seen for the past 10 months…

BP races hurricane season clock

Jul 09, 2010

BP in mid-June began collecting oil & gas from the first phase of a system that taps into the choke and kill valves on the Macondo well's failed blowout preventer. The system employs the same flow lines and manifold used in the company's unsuccessful top kill attempt in May…

Macondo and other titanic struggles

Jul 09, 2010

The Titanic, Columbia space shuttle and Deepwater Horizon disasters span a period of almost 100 years but have more in common than might at first be apparent. All three were avoidable and foundered on a misguided belief in their indestructibility…

Tougher regs inevitable as Horizon lessons hit home

Jun 12, 2010

BP struggled to stop the flow of oil from the Macondo well in the Gulf of Mexico as the disaster entered its second month, and the spill, the worst in US history, was having repercussions far beyond the environmental catastrophe. Russell McCulley reports…

Tragedy tempers spirits, but not the crowds

Jun 12, 2010

Around 73,000 attendees packed this year’s OTC in Houston, nearly 5000 more than last year. But the still-unfolding Deepwater Horizon drama in the Gulf of Mexico kept the usual celebratory mood at bay, writes Russell McCulley.--It wasn’t exactly…

Spill spells trouble for seismic

Jun 12, 2010

Andrew McBarnet forecasts some damaging consequences for marine seismic operations offshore the US as a result of the Deepwater Horizon disaster.The enormity of the blow-out and sinking of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig at the BP Macondo…

Cape Wind green light

Jun 10, 2010

After years of delay, the Cape Wind offshore wind project got the green light to proceed with the $1 billion development off the coast of Massachusetts, putting the project on the path to become the first wind power installation on the US Outer Continental Shelf…

Deepwater poised for fast recovery

May 20, 2010

Two recently published reports point to a speedy recovery for offshore E&P. The deepwater sector of the oil & gas business should recover quickly from the economic downturn and resume the growth the sector enjoyed before the recession, suggests a new report from Douglas-Westwood…

Drillers feel the pre-salt pinch

May 20, 2010

With well costs escalating to consume up to half of a project’s funding, operators are seeking ways to trim costs. During IADC’s Deepwater Drilling conference in Rio de Janeiro in March, operators discussed some of their strategies to trim costs…

Regs threaten recovery warns ExxonMobil boss

May 20, 2010

The shaky economic recovery could be threatened if US energy policies push up prices, ExxonMobil chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson said in Houston last month.‘You can raise taxes, raise royalties – it's going to ultimately increase the cost of energy…

Guarded optimism greets US leasing plan

May 20, 2010

The oil & gas industry and analysts greeted President Obama’s offshore drilling plan as a step in the right direction. But subsequent events surrounding the Deepwater Horizon disaster (see Heavy losses in Horizon tragedy ) could complicate matters…

Heavy losses in Horizon tragedy

May 20, 2010

Late in the evening 20 April, an explosion rocked the deck of the Deepwater Horizon and set off a fire that raged for 36 hours before the Transocean semisubmersible plunged to the seafloor 5000ft below. As OE went to press, operator BP and other…

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