AGR's software solutions division had signed its first contract with Sakhalin Energy. The three-year deal includes the latest version of AGR's P1 software, as well as maintenance and support services. The software allows operators to maximize performance during well-construction projects…
Global Energy Group is launching a new offshore diving division to expand its existing inshore diving operations. Global Diving will deliver air and nitrox diving for the offshore oil and gas and renewables sectors in the UK and world-wide…
Oil and gas IT services firm ISN Solutions has secured £4.6m investment from Aberdeen-based private equity firm Maven Capital Partners as part of a growth plan. Entrepreneur Tom Smith, founder of telecommunications firm Nessco (pictured)…
The expansion follows a second successful year for the naval architecture and marine engineering specialist. The company, which focuses on marine, subsea and structural design and analysis, is on track to record turnover of £800,000 for the financial year ended March 2014…
Aberdeen-based independent explorer Xcite Energy Resources (XER) has agreed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Teekay Shipping Norway on the use of a floating production facility for its Bentley heavy oil field in the North Sea. The…
Production has started on the first new Statoil-operated platform on the Norwegian Continental Shelf since 2005. The Gudrun oil and gas field, in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea, is also the first new to be operated by Statoil from the Stavanger region since Sleipner in 1993…
Heat transfer, separation and fluid handling firm Alfa Laval has agreed to buy submerged pump systems firm Frank Mohn AS for NOK 13 billion from Wimoh AS. Alfa Laval said the move, which includes the Framo brand products, would strengthen its fluid handling portfolio…
A team of US BSEE engineers and inspectors conducted a safety inspection of the first FPSO (floating production storage and offloading) vessel designed and built for containment use in the Gulf of Mexico. The pre-production inspection is…
ION Geophysical Corp. today announced it has been awarded permits to acquire 12,600km of seismic data offshore Peru. The 2D multi-client survey, known as PeruSPAN, covers the offshore margin from the Talara basin in the north, to the Pisco basin in the south…
Are the UK's fractured basement reservoirs ripe for exploitation? Hurricane Energy's Robert Trice explains why he believes they are. The potential of fractured basement reservoirs is often overlooked by explorers, yet there are numerous…
ION Geophysical Corp. today announced it is collaborating with UAE-based Polarcus to acquire a new 4000sq km, 3D multi-client seismic survey offshore southwest Ireland, the first major survey of the significantly underexplored deepwater Southern Porcupine basin…
The US Energy Information Administration’s new “Today in Energy” brief looks at how US oil imports were down in 2013, but the share of imports last year from the United States' top three foreign oil suppliers—Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico—was the highest in at least four decades…
US rakes in $850million for lease sale The US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) received 380 bids for 326blocks in the central Gulf of Mexico, totaling more than US $850 million. Gulf of Mexico Lease Sale 231 attracted operators to bison almost 40 million acres…
On 2 Jan 2014, Divetech Marine announced the successful underwater and surface reinstallation of six Rolls-Royce azimuth thrusters on Transocean's Deepwater Millennium drillship in Singapore. Divers and coordinators from Divetech Marine…
Lukoil Overseas completed drilling on its first offshore exploration well, Capitaine East-1X, at block CI-101 in the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, the Russian company announced 2 April 2014. The well penetrated through 140m of sandstone from a Turonian formation…