Twenty-one companies have dropped out of the final cycle of bidding in the Myanmar offshore license round. The licensing round offers 30 offshore areas, including 19 deepwater blocks. These blocks are predominantly in the Rakhine Offshore Area (12 blocks)…
PTTEP and Pertamina agreed to form a 50:50 joint venture to buy Hess’ assets offshore Indonesia for US$1.3 billion. The companies will gain 75% stake in Pangkah field and 23% in the Natuna Sea A field. The Pangkah transaction will be finalized in Q1 2014…
Shell’s Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility floated out of the dry dock at Geoje, South Korea’s Samsung Heavy Industries yard, where the facility is currently under construction. Upon completion, Prelude FLNG will be the largest-ever floating facility…
The Shah Deniz gas field consortium in Azerbaijan will proceed with stage 2 development of the Caspian Sea field, opening its sources to Europe. Stage 2 includes offshore drilling and completion of 26 subsea wells, the construction of two bridge-linked platforms…
Italy’s Eni signed a string of agreements with Russian operators and a research institution. The first is a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Eni and Novatek, which sees the two firms agreeing to future cooperation in offshore projects in the Mediterranean Sea…
Total has signed an exploration and production-sharing agreement for deepwater Block 41 with Oman’s Ministry of Oil & Gas, the company announced today. The block is off the northern Omani coast, northwest of the capital, Muscat. It spans 23850sq km…
Norway’s Statoil announced that a fifth natural gas discovery in Block 2 offshore Tanzania has opened up new play in the region. The Mronge-1 discovery, drilled in 2500m water depth by the Discoverer Americas drillship, 20km north of the Zafarani discovery…
Houston’s Cobalt International Energy, Inc. reported that its Lontra #1 presalt discovery well in Block 20, offshore Angola, found more oil and gas than estimated. Drill stem test placed Lontra’s well production at a stabilized flow rate…
BW Offshore has signed a letter of intent to acquire 30% of the Polvo oil field, located in the Campos basin in Brazil. Following the ongoing sale of BP’s stake in the Polvo field to HRT Participações em Petróleo S.A. (HRT), BW Offshore has the intention to acquire half of HRT’s stake…
Following BP’s September announcement that it was canceling its massive Mad Dog contract, the supermajor is now working with partners Chevron Corp. and BHP Billiton Petroleum to develop Phase 2. BP is reportedly entering topsides pre…
London-based Premier Oil, and partner Salisbury-based Rockhopper Exploration Plc, selected a tension leg platform (TLP) with an integral drilling rig, to develop the Sea Lion project north of the Falkland Islands. The company said that…
The Statoil-operated Peregrino field, one of Brazil’s most significant offshore producers, is a wealth of resources, including Norwegian- developed technology. Sarah Parker Musarra chatted with Statoil Brazil Country President Thore E. Kristiansen…
The longest pig run was performed along the Nord Stream pipeline between Germany and Russia last year. Elaine Maslin found out more. At 1224km (759mi.) long, the Nord Stream’s twin offshore pipeline gas transportation sys- tem from Russia to Germany…
Baker Hughes kicked off its first STEM event for high-school students in the Houston area this past summer, inviting 22 students to visit its drill bit manufacturing facility in The Woodlands, Texas. The success of the program, and positive feedback throughout the industry…
Geoprediction firm Ikon Science acquired the software, services and intellectual property of Bergen, Norway, headquartered Terra Geotech AS. Eamonn Doyle, the founder of Terra Geotech, has joined Ikon as the VP, real-time operations, bringing…