Offshore Subsea News - page 306

Vessel cranes cut the cost of deepwater tree installation

Jul 01, 2011

With 107 West African xmas tree jobs to its credit since 2006, Bourbon Subsea Services has built a substantial track record in that region for the maintenance and installation of deepwater trees using vessel cranes. SVP business management Patrick…

Improving cold-climate confidence

Jun 08, 2011

An INTECSEA-led joint industry project headed by former Shell subsea specialist Ian Ball is looking to pave the way for increased step-outs, enhanced recovery and improved economics on upcoming subsea developments in arctic and sub-arctic waters…

Subsea tiebacks buck the trend

Jun 08, 2011

Earlier this year, Douglas-Westwood forecast † the industry will spend $139 billion on subsea hardware 2011-15, a 23% jump on the previous five years, with the deepwater Golden Triangle inevitably dominating the anticipated spend. Despite the trials and tribulations of the past year…

Recipe for a slimmer profile and healthy joints

Jun 08, 2011

In 2010, ShawCor picked up an OTC Spotlight on Technology award for its Thermotite Ultra pipe insulation coating system. That summer, two of the company's divisions, Bredero Shaw and Bredero Shaw FJS, put the technology to use on a reeled pipeline…

SURF's up

May 01, 2011

The season of joint industry projects has dawned, with a handful of announcements being made in the last month or so about subsea efforts. Two of those focus on SURF-type equipment while a third is focused on pipelines. OE highlights some of the newest areas gaining industry attention…

Subsea acoustics on the upgrade

May 01, 2011

With over 27 years' of development and application work behind it, Nautronix is a company with subsea acoustics in its DNA. David Morgan looks at the company's provenance and projects, including the recent deployment of its NASNet technology…

Products in action - OE May 2011

May 01, 2011

Subsea welding goes deeperA decade of research at the UK's Cranfield University has confirmed that subsea welding can be successfully conducted at depths of up to 940m, more than 600m deeper than previous records and far deeper than the 180m depth limit for divers…

RAT catch for Mercon

Apr 01, 2011

Mercon Steel Structures in Gorinchem started work at the beginning of February on its first riser access tower (RAT) under a framework agreement signed with Shell UK and NAM last autumn. The 800t structure, due for delivery mid- August, is for NAM's K/15 field…

Ekofisk rolls back the years

Apr 01, 2011

Investments in the region of NKr65 billion are on the cards over the next few years following ConocoPhillips' recent submission of its plans for the further development of the Ekofisk and Eldfisk fields to the Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum & Energy…

Norpipe 37/4A a cut above

Apr 01, 2011

Decommissioning and abandonment specialist Cutting Underwater Technologies (Cut) assisted Heerema's Thialf with the removal of the Norpipe 37/4A booster platform's eightlegged steel jacket as part of Norway's Ekofisk cessation project. The 5500t platform stood in 85m of water…

Energy skills shortfall laid bare

Apr 01, 2011

OPITO, the Aberdeen-headquartered body serving as the focal point for skills, learning and workforce development in the UK energy sector, estimates that over 15,000 new posts will be required over the next five years to deliver UK offshore project plans…

New rock dump system twinned with survey ROV

Apr 01, 2011

Subsea equipment specialist Seatools is scheduled to deliver its latest offshore innovation – a remotely operated vehicle system that will combine the functions of a survey ROV with those of a fallpipe rock-dump ROV – this summer.The pioneering…

Corrosion-erosion monitor set for subsea

Apr 01, 2011

Non-invasiveness, good repeatability and high coverage are listed among the key subsea selling points for ClampOn's new subsea corrosion-erosion monitor (CEM), the prototype of which will be on display for the first time at Houston's OTC show next month…

The art of lost asset recovery

Mar 02, 2011

Ever seen the effect on the seabed of a 300t BOP dropped from a rig? Marin's George Stroud, aka Boris or the 'Deepwater Red Adair', has and he likens it to a carpet tack being driven into the floor with the force of an impact hammer. The subsea…

BOP recovery at the double

Mar 01, 2011

The Marin Subsea asset recovery team was recently called in to recover a blowout preventer and lower marine riser package from 488m of water in Brazil. Within 20 minutes of the initial phone call, the Marin team had made a preliminary assessment…

Current News

New England States Move Forward with Three Giant Offshore Wind Farms

Subsea7 Reveals it is Supporting Shell's Vito Waterflood Project

Norway Attracts 21 Bidders in Latest Oil and Gas Exploration Round

EU Grants Over $20M for Pilot Wave Energy Farm Offshore Portugal

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