Johan Sverdrup Field Center Completed

Mar 22, 2019

The two final platform topsides have been installed at the Johan Sverdrup oil field in the North Sea, about 140 kilometers west of Stavanger, Norway, operator Equinor announced Friday, marking a key milestone toward first oil expected in late 2019…

Martin Linge Hooked Up to Shore Power

Mar 20, 2019

The Martin Linge platform in December 2018 was hooked up to receive shore power via the world’s longest high-voltage alternating-current (HVAC) sea cable measuring 162 kilometers from the onshore substation at Kollsnes north of Bergen to the platform…

Video: Total's Culzean Project Nearly Complete

Feb 14, 2019

Super major Total said its Culzean Field development in the central North Sea is nearly complete, heading toward expected first production from the largest UK gas field to be sanctioned for quarter of a century in summer 2019.Culzean is a high-pressure…

High-tech Buoy Launched in New York Bight

Feb 11, 2019

A high-tech, specialized buoy has been launched to collect useful information for developing wind farms offshore the U.S. East Coast.Equinor Wind US said it deployed the cutting-edge buoy as it works to develop its offshore wind lease site in the New York Bight…

iXblue Partners with Forssea

Jan 07, 2019

iXblue, a designer and manufacturer of advanced navigation, imagery and subsea positioning solutions, said it has joined forces with Forssea, a robotics startup that develops autonomous docking underwater technologies, to bring more agile and cost-effective subsea operations…

BigLift Transports 11,700mt Jackup

Dec 20, 2018

A 11,700mt jackup platform was transported aboard module carrier BigLift Barentsz from Flushing, The Netherlands to its destination west of Africa. The October journey was completed within three weeks.Design and engineering, procurement and…

World’s Largest Spar Platform on Stream

Dec 17, 2018

A video from Norway's Equinor outlines the road to production at the Aasta Hansteen gas field in the Norwegian Sea, which opened a new region for gas export to Europe when it came on stream on Sunday.“Located in 1,300 meters of water, this is…

Shipbuilding Timelapse: Wind of Change

Dec 11, 2018

A timelapse video shows Louis Dreyfus Armateurs Group’s (LDA) first service operation vessel dedicated to the maintenance of offshore wind farms for the Danish giant Ørsted under construction at the CEMRE shipyard in Turkey.The new vessel, Wind of Change…

LNG Investment Set to Grow

Dec 03, 2018

Following years in the pricing doldrums, LNG is hot again, with business prospects for floating production and regasification looking strong through 2023. We talk to Jim McCaul of International Maritime Associates (IMA) for his insights, as…

Baker Hughes Unveils Aptara

Dec 03, 2018

The new Aptara TOTEX-lite subsea system unveiled last week by Baker Hughes, a GE company, features new lightweight, modular subsea technologies aiming to reduce not just lead times for equipment delivery as well as total cost of ownership for the full life of the field…

Current News

New England States Move Forward with Three Giant Offshore Wind Farms

Subsea7 Reveals it is Supporting Shell's Vito Waterflood Project

Norway Attracts 21 Bidders in Latest Oil and Gas Exploration Round

EU Grants Over $20M for Pilot Wave Energy Farm Offshore Portugal

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