PTTEP International awarded Electromagnetic Geoservices ASA (EMGS) a US$7 million contract in Thailand and Myanmar. In October, EMGS received the letter of intent for the 3D EM data acquisition. The survey will be done using the vessel BOA…
SBM Offshore is selling its DSCV SBM Installer, a diving support and construction vessel (DSCV) to joint venture OS Installer AS for US$150 million in cash. The SBM Installer. From SBM Offshore. Both…
InterMoor successfully completed the installation and hook up of the permanent mooring system for the Delta House field floating production system (FPS) in the Gulf of Mexico. InterMoor crew hook up at Delta House…
Singapore-based KrisEnergy is about to recieve the Cendor mobile offshore production unit (MOPU) Marine Contracting moves it the from the Cendor field, offshore Malaysia to Batam, Indonesia for upgrade work. Marine Contracting moving the Cendor MOPU…
Bourbon’s Rodolphe Bouchet explains how the company’s new Explorer 500 series shows its commitment to standardization, which offers time and cost savings. The PSV Bourbon Explorer 504 at sea. Photos from Bourbon…
Norway’s Kleven Verft delivered the Rem Eir platform supply vessel (PSV) to Remøy Shipping for a Statoil long-term charter contract. The Rem Eir is the world's largest environmentally friendly LNG powered PSV, measuring 92.5m in length and a deck capacity of 1080sq m…
In 2005, Norway’s Ulstein Group introduced the X-Bow to the market, a design feature that increases crew comfort onboard offshore vessels, while giving the opportunity to keep up speed in foul weather or the option of reduced fuel consumption…
Claudio Paschoa compares two new compact ROV-operated systems for seabed geotechnical drilling by Forum Energy Technologies and Helix Energy Solutions. Forum’s Rovdrill 3 system. Image by Forum Energy Technologies…
The global fleets are growing – not least in order to cater for new deep water challenges. Fred Tholen takes a look. Subsea 7’s new heavy construction vessel, under construction in South Korea…
As development gets deeper, so does pipelay operations. OE asked some of the leaders in the field what they see as the most challenging aspects of deepwater pipelay. EMAS AMC EMAS AMC’s newbuild Lewek Constellation…
Scientific drilling confirmed the presence of natural gas hydrates on the North and Central American continental shelves in late 1970s and early 1980s, but it was only recently that researchers began to seriously assess methane hydrate development…
Helix UK awarded Damen Shiprepair Vlissingen, part of Damen Shiprepair & Conversion, a major upgrade on MSV SEAWELL, a light well intervention/dive support vessel. The SEAWELL is expected at the yard second half of December 2014. As the upgrade will be executed over the winter season…
Australia’s Karoon Gas encountered oil in five separate zones in the Kangaroo-2 appraisal well in the Santos basin, offshore Brazil. Map of the five wells located in the Santos basin. From Karoon. Kangaroo…
Solstad Offshore ASA’s (SOFF) derrick lay barge Norce Endeavor will be operating for Chevron Thailand E&P Ltd.’s 2015 offshore campaign, off Thailand. Upon the terms of the contract, the Norce Endeavour will install multiple new wellhead platforms…
Oceaneering International has entered into a two-year charter for use of the Island Pride, a multi-service subsea support vessel owned by Island Offshore Shipping International. The vessel is expected to be available for work in the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM) in early January 2015…