Yme Platform News

Pioneering Spirit installs test platform

Aug 09, 2016

Allseas’ huge single-lift installation/decommissioning and pipelay vessel Pioneering Spirit has successfully installed a 5500-tonne test platform topsides on a substructure in the K-13 field in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. The installation was completed on Sunday 7 August…

Pioneering Spirit starts offshore trials

Aug 08, 2016

Allseas mega-vessel Pioneering Spirit has left its berth at the Maasvlakte 2, Rotterdam, to perform offshore trials ahead of its first commercial operation in the Norwegian North Sea (see video below). Crowds of people turned out to watch as huge…

Pioneering Spirit readies for offshore trials

Aug 01, 2016

Dutch heavy weight Allseas has successfully completed commissioning of the topsides lift system on its heavy lift mega-vessel the Pioneering Spirit. The massive, twin-hull US$2.7 billion vessel has also completed the major part of the…

North Sea opportunity knocks

Jun 01, 2016

The UK North Sea is expected to dominate the decommissioning market from 2016-2040. How much it will cost depends on the success of vessels such as Allseas’ Pioneering Spirit, says Douglas-Westwood’s Ben Wilby. Pioneering Spirit with the Lorelay…

Proof of concept

Apr 01, 2016

This year, Allseas’ Pioneering Spirit mega-vessel is finally due to set out into the seas to perform its first heavy lift. Elaine Maslin provides an update. Pioneering Spirit’s twin-hull mounted lifting beams…

Dry well on Zeppelin

Jul 15, 2015

Wintershall's Zeppelin exploration well offshore Norway has been classified as dry. The well, 10/4-1, in production license 734, was drilled about 35km southeast of the Yme field in the North Sea using the Borgland Dolphin semisubmersible drilling rig in 98m water depth…

BG starts renewables-powered platform

Jul 08, 2015

First oil has been produced from the Mukta-B (MB), a four legged renewables-powered unmanned wellhead platform in the offshore Bombay basin, India. The project marked several firsts, including the use of green technology involving hybrid…

Lundin drills three wells off Norway

Jun 25, 2015

Lundin Norway commenced the drilling of its second Alta appraisal well in the Barents Sea South, and the drilling of an appraisal well on the Edvard Grieg field in the Norwegian North Sea. Drilling has also commenced on the partner-operated…

Lundin spins multiple bits on NCS

Jun 24, 2015

Swedish headquartered Lundin Petroleum has started spinning two drill bits on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - on Alta, in the Barents Sea, and one on the Edvard Grieg discovery, in the Norwegian North Sea. Both are appraisal wells.…

Wintershall to sell assets to Tellus

Jun 18, 2015

Wintershall, a 100%-BASF subsidiary, plans to optimize its portfolio by selling to Tellus Petroleum its interest in assets in four non-operated fields in a US$602 million deal. The fields include Knarr (where Wintershall owns a 20% interest)…

Wintershall unmanned L6-B onstream

Jun 16, 2015

Wintershall’s unmanned mini-platform L6-B started the production of natural gas off the Dutch North Sea coast in a restricted military zone. The L6-B unmanned platform.  From Wintershall…

Oceangoing giants

Apr 01, 2015

Rotterdam was home to three giants of the sea in early March – offshore industry flagships, not least Allseas’ newly renamed Pioneering Spirit. Elaine Maslin took a tour. Pioneering Spirit’s lifting beams loom from its bows…

Lloyd’s completes safety work on Vette FPSO

Mar 06, 2015

Lloyd’s Register Consulting completed safety work packages for Aibel regarding an engineering and design contract for the Vette floating productions storage and offloading (FPSO) project. The safety contracts cover quantitative risk assessments…

Allseas grabs Johan Sverdrup gig

Feb 27, 2015

Dutch contractor Allseas last night (26 February) signed a contract with Norway's Statoil for the installation of three platforms on the giant Johan Sverdrup development in single lifts using the newly renamed mega-vessel Pioneering Spirit…

Saudi Aramco hails heavy lift success

Feb 16, 2015

Saudi Aramco says it has set a new record for heavy lift operations in its Arabiyah-Hasbah gas fields project about 150km offshore Saudi Arabia. The heavy lift barge Lan Jing completed the installation of the Hasbah tie-in platform (TP) using its 7500-ton crane…

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