New Beibu find for Roc Oil

Map of Beibu Gulf

Roc Oil has struck multiple hydrocarbon pays in the Weizhou formation in the Beibu Gulf offshore southern China, the Australian explorer announced on 5 November 2012.

The WZ6-12-A6 deviated step-out exploration well reached a total depth of 2,658 m on the northern flank of the WZ6-12 South field where water depths range from 25-40m. The well, drilled by the HYSY 931 rig, intersected a total of 58 m (TVD) of net oil pay. Roc said the thickest individual pay measured 38 m.

The exploration well is the second of three planned in the area. In October, Roc announced the WZ6-12N-1 exploration well hit 52m of net oil pay in its primary objectives and an additional 7m net oil pay in shallower reservoirs. Drilling on a third exploration well, WZ6-12-A7, is underway, Roc said. The company aims to test the Sliver and Luishagang prospects to the north of the WZ6-12 South field.

Roc Oil China operates the Beibu Gulf block 22/12 with 40% interest. Its joint venture partners are Horizon Oil (55%) and Oil Australia (5%). CNOOC can elect to participate up to 51% in any discoveries made.

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