Murchison decom consortium signed

CNR International selected a consortium of AF Gruppen subsidiary AF Decom Offshore UK and Heerema Marine Contractors to remove and dispose of one of the largest platforms in the UK North Sea (pictured). 

Under a letter of intent, Heerema-AF Consortium's contract will cover engineering, preparation, removal and disposal (EPRD) of both the topsides and jacket structure of the Murchison platform, together weighing about 37,000 tons.  

The contract represents one of the first major platform decommissioning projects in the UK North Sea. To date, apart from the North West Hutton platform, very few large platforms have been decommissioned, with many facilities outlasting their original design-lives as technology has extended production operations and increased recovery rates. 

Murchison is one of the larger structures in the UK North Sea, standing 254m-high from seabed to flare tip in Block 211/19. The 24,500-tonne Murchison topside has some 26 modules for drilling, production and accommodation, supported on a 27,600-tonne eight-legged steel jacket in 156m water depth. 

The contract assumes engineering work will start in 2014, immediately after contract award, with offshore work starting early 2016, and removal and final disposal work continuing through to 2020.

The Murchison field was discovered in 1975, with first oil, operated by Conoco (UK) was in 1980. At its height, the Murchison platform produced 150,383bbl/d, a peak reached on 26 December 1982. Over its life, it has produced about 400MMbbl from 98 production wells. Production was shut in on 28 February 2014 with permanent cessation of production (CoP) on 31 March.

CNR International became operator of Murchison in 2002. An asset integrity management, reservoir management, well repair, and infill drilling campaign saw the field life extended by 10 years, delivering more than 22MM bbl during this period.


Aberdeen-based industrial services contractor Bilfinger Salamis UK is to provide fabric maintenance services support and access solutions to Aker Solutions for the first stage of decommissioning CNR International’s Murchison platform. Read more: Blinfinger picked for Murchison decom

Aker Solutions secured a three year contract for the first phase of decommissioning the Murchison platform in the North Sea, operated by CNR International (UK). Aker Solutions will manage the engineering design, procurement and offshore execution to ensure the facilities are safely prepared for subsequent removal. 

Read more: P&A challenges - Roy Aspden discusses the P&A decommissioning plan for Murchison.

Read more: Murchison ceases production

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