Ophir Energy’s G4/50-11 wildcat exploration well in the South Western Graben of the Gulf of Thailand failed to encounter a commercial discovery and will be plugged and abandoned. The well targeted the Parichat Southwest prospect. The…
The Roc Oil and CNOOC-led joint venture spudded the WZ 12-8W-A6P1 appraisal well, in Beibu Gulf, offshore China, according to parnter Horizon Oil. Map from Horizon Oil. The well is located in the Weizhou 12-8 fields area…
Australian regulators have rejected BP's environmental plan for the major's deepwater, four-well drilling plan in the Great Australian Bight. The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) said…
Primeline Energy Holdings has started drilling operations on the LS30-3-1 well in the East China Sea. Following the plug and abandon operation of LS23-1-1 announced 28 October, Primeline’s contractor, China Oilfield Service Ltd. (COSL)…
Quadrant Energy received the Noble Tom Prosser drilling rig that will mobilize to the Roc-1 well site in WA-437-P offshore Western Australia, and prepare for spud around 17 November 2015, according to partner Carnarvon Petroleum. The Roc-1 well…
Weatherford Secure Drilling Services and Maersk Training have entered a strategic partnership to enhance scenario-based training and competency for critical wells. The training will provide Weatherford, operator and rig-crew personnel with…
Dallas-based Kosmos Energy encountered a “significant play-extending” discovery at its Marsouin-1 exploration well, offshore Mauritania, Africa, marking its second significant natural gas discovery within eight months in the area. Map of Block C8…
Atwood Oceanics has announced two contract activities in the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) and offshore Brazil. The Atwood Advantage. From Atwood Oceanics. An Atwood Oceanics subsidiary…
Atwood Oceanics announced that one of its subsidiaries agreed to an extension and rate adjustment to its existing contract with Noble Energy for the ultra deepwater rig, the Atwood Advantage, effective 9 November, 2015. The agreement…
Lundin Petroleum has started drilling the Selada-1 exploration well in Block PM308A, offshore Malaysia. The well will target hydrocarbons in Miocene aged sands and is located 14km to the south of the Bertam field, operated by Lundin…
Lundin Petroleum has successfully drilled a section of the exploration well 7220/6-2 on the Neiden prospect in PL609, but drilling operations have had to be temporarily suspended due to winter restrictions on the use of the Island Innovator drilling rig in the Barents Sea South…
Cairn Energy spudded the first appraisal well on the SNE oil field located 100km offshore Senegal; according to joint venture partner Far Ltd. Map from Far. The SNE-2 well will…
Nigeria’s Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) granted approval to partners Guarantee Petroleum, Sirius Petroleum, and Owena Oil & Gas to drill the proposed Ororo-2A well on the Ororo Field offshore Nigeria. The Ororo Field is located within OML 95…
Ophir Energy came up dry at the first well of its two-well drilling campaign in Block G4/50 offshore Thailand. The G4/50-10 well in located on the Soy Siam prospect, which commenced drilling using the Emerald Vantage jackup rig in October and reached a total depth of 1627m…
Drilling has started on the 200 bbl prize SNE-1 appraisal program offshore Senegal. The three wells SNE-2, SNE-3 and BEL-1 will be drilled back to back in a program that is estimated to be completed in mid-2016. Both SNE-2 and SNE-3 appraisal wells will be logged…