SBM taps Drydocks for Johan Castberg turret

Turret specialist SBM Offshore has contracted Dubai based Drydocks World to construct the turret mooring system for Statoil’s Johan Castberg floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. 

The Johan Castberg FPSO will be permanently moored by the internal turret mooring system at the Johan Castberg field in the Barents Sea offshore Norway. The system will allow the vessel to passively weathervane around the anchor legs while simultaneously transferring fluids, power, and communications signals between the vessel and subsea equipment.

Johan Castberg will tap an estimated 450-650 MMboe recoverable resources across three oil discoveries (Skrugard, Havis and Drivis, in PL 532) via the FPSO and 30 subsea wells, from 10 subsea templates and two satellite structures.

First oil is scheduled for 2022, and the field, some 100km north of the Snøhvit field, in 360-390m water depth, is expected to produce for more than 30 years. 

SBM Offshore's contract is an exercise of an option in connection with the conclusion of a FEED contract with the same company. The turret is planned to be delivered in modules in early 2020, will be moored in ca.370m water depth and will have a capacity to accommodate 21 risers.

Drydocks World will be responsible for detail design of certain specified works, bulk procurement and construction including Super Duplex piping work and TLER / TLIR module.

Drydocks World’s COO Mohammad Rizal said: “This is the 3rd turret that SBM Offshore has awarded to Drydocks World. Our long term business relationship started from 1996 with the first FSO conversion and since then we have successfully completed several FPSO projects."

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Statoil submits Johan Castberg PDO

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