The 2MW SR2000 tidal turbine, developed and manufactured by Scottish engineering company Scotrenewables Tidal Power, has been installed on its moorings for the first time at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), Orkney as part of site commissioning and testing.
The floating turbine was towed to site by Green Marine’s vessel the Green Isle and connected to its moorings on the Fall of Warness. Scotrenewables completed all site construction and installation work for the 2MW unit, including installation of the 500-tonne turbine itself, using locally available workboat vessels.
“This will be a short installation but we’ll be seeking to further emphasize clear benefits of our approach in the operational phase where much of the standard maintenance can be carried out with simple crew transfer vessels, and validate a game-changing reduction in cost of energy for the tidal sector,” said Andrew Scott, CEO, Scotrenewables.
“It has been refreshing to work with the Scotrenewables team on their pioneering turbine which we feel has let us play to our strengths and implement a low cost and locally based solution for them,” said Jason Schofield, managing director, Green Marine.
Image: Installation/Scotrenewables Tidal Power Ltd.