Aibel inks Greater Enfield modifications job

Aibel in Singapore has been awarded a contract for modifications on Woodside Energy Nguijma-Yin floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) off Western Australia.

The work will be so that the FPSO, which operates on the Vincent oil field, can accomodate the Greater Enfield tieback. This will involve modifications to the topsides, hull and turret, along with installation of a new custom water flood module. 

The contract includes both detailed marine and topsides engineering and procurement services as well as commissioning services.

At the peak the Greater Enfield project will engage more than 100 employees. The work will be executed by Aibel`s office in Singapore. 

The contract is expected to start in July this year and is presently targeted to be completed January 2019.

Greater Enfield is 60km off Exmouth in Western Australia. The reserves in the area will be produced via a 31km subsea tie-back to the Ngujima-Yin FPSO facility, located over the Vincent oil field. 

Image of the Ngujima-Yin FPSO, from Woodside.



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