Seacon released its newly designed A259 Ruffnek MUX series as an enhancement to the 7991 Ruffnek MUX series used on subsea BOP systems.
Three key changes to the connector design include:
Integrating a rubber molded face onto the front of the CCP connector insert plug (CIP) provides an isolated barrier between any adjacent electrical sockets in the case that moisture is present inside the mated face of the connectors.
Changing the glass to metal seal (GTMS) connector Insert receptacle (CIR) with a polyetheretherketone (PEEK) CIR increases the length of the electrical path to ground, and provides raised shoulders around each pin for the CIP rubber face to seal against.
O-ring seals are re-located which allows for high pressure oil testing to be conducted on the mating seals, flange and insert seals. These test ports are color coded to match the appropriate color coded test port adapter.
Image of the enhanced Ruffnek (A259) MUX series, from Seacon.