Goliat FPSO mooring lines installed

Image: Eni Goliat illustration overview/Eni

Lankhorst Ropes Offshore has overseen the installation of the mooring ropes for the Goliat FPSO (floating production storage and offloading) for Eni Norge, positioned 85km offshore, northwest of Hammerfest in the PL229 and PL229B license areas in the Barents Sea, offshore Norway. 

Given the weather conditions in the Barents Sea, and relatively shallow water depth, the cylindrically shaped Goliat FPSO uses a semi-taut leg mooring system to limit movement of the vessel. The mooring system comprises 14 Gama 98 polyester mooring lines configured three clusters of 4, 4 and 6 lines at 400m (1312ft) water depth. Two clusters have longer mooring lines to the prevailing weather, together with the sea bed chain, to provide the lateral restoring force needed to keep the production vessel on station.

In order to minimize the potential damage of trawl wire impact, Lankhorst Ropes has developed a trawler wire resistant rope jacket for the polyester rope lines. The FPSO's mooring system also features in-line buoyancy elements. Manufactured by Lankhorst Mouldings, the buoyancy elements secured on elongated shackles have an uplift of 19-tonne, prevent the mooring lines from touching the seabed.

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