Dry well on Zeppelin

Wintershall's Zeppelin exploration well offshore Norway has been classified as dry.

The well, 10/4-1, in production license 734, was drilled about 35km southeast of the Yme field in the North Sea using the Borgland Dolphin semisubmersible drilling rig in 98m water depth.

The primary exploration target for the well was to prove petroleum in Upper Jurassic reservoir rocks (the Sandnes formation) and in Middle Jurassic reservoir rocks (the Bryne formation). The secondary exploration target was to prove petroleum in Upper Permain reservoir rocks.

The well encountered about 90m of reservoir rocks in the Sandnes and Bryne formations with good reservoir quality. The well did not encounter a reservoir in Permian rocks. The well is dry. 

Well 10/4-1 was drilled to a vertical depth of 2348m below the sea surface and was terminated in rocks from the Late Permian Age.

Wintershall is operator with 30% interest, with partners Lundin Petroleum (30%) and Centrica Resources (30%). 

The Borgland Dolphin will now drill wildcat well 6507/3-11 S in PL 650 in the Norwegian Sea, where E.ON E&P Norge AS is the operator.

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