A memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been executed for a cooperation agreement between Spectrum, PGS and Schlumberger in Mexico. The collaboration will acquire 80,000-100,000km of modern, long-offset 2D data encompassing all the major hydrocarbon provinces offshore Mexico. This includes areas currently on offer for Mexico’s Round 1 in the Perdido Fold Belt, Mexican Ridges Province, Campeche Deep Sea basin and will also provide seamless coverage across the Yucatan Platform tying to Spectrum’s Big Wave program in the eastern area of the US Gulf of Mexico.
The previously announced PGS Multi-Client Mexico Well Tie program, which commenced on 16 May 2015, will be included in this collaboration. Two GeoStreamer vessels have already acquired over 10,000 line km with Fast Track products available as part of this program. Spectrum and Schlumberger commenced operations on 10 June with a third vessel, and an additional vessel is enroute to commence operations in early July. These strategically placed surveys will help provide greater insight to clients preparing for Round 1.
“Spectrum is confident this cooperation with Schlumberger and PGS will provide outstanding data to industry in a timely manner before Round 1 and future rounds to come,” says Richie Miller, president Spectrum.
These surveys are supported by industry pre-funding.