Sterling completes Madagascar shoot

Sterling Energy completed a 3D seismic survey of approximately 1100sq km over a high-graded portion of the Ambilobe Block offshore Madagascar.

The acquisition was undertaken by CGG Services, on behalf of the Ambilobe joint venture partners, operator Sterling and Pura Vida Mauritius. 

Processing of the data will start soon to a pre-stack depth migration cube. Intermediary products will be available during 2H 2015, allowing early interpretation with the final processed data, which is expected to be completed in 1Q 2016.

The Ambilobe PSC, awarded in 2004, is in Phase 2 of the Exploration Period with all minimum work commitments for the current phase completed. In December 2013, Sterling completed a farm-out agreement with Pura Vida under which all costs associated with the acquisition of the discretionary 3D seismic program were carried by Pura Vida. Sterling expects that the carry will cover all the costs of the 3D seismic survey. Sterling and Pura Vida each hold a 50% interest in the Ambilobe Block.

Sterling CEO Eskil Jersing says: “We are pleased to have completed our 3D seismic operations, both safely and efficiently on the Ambilobe block. We look forward to receiving the processed seismic data to build upon our understanding of the sub-surface imaging of the basin which will assist the joint venture partners to determine the exploration activities on the block in 2016.”

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